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Unconventional strokes numbernNew full name decision

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◇名前の響きから運勢を占う姓名判断名前を書くことより、名前は呼ばれたり告げられたりと、音になることの方が圧倒的に多いことに注目し、「字」ではなく「音」=名前の響きから運勢を占う新感覚の姓名判断。◇五十音で男女20タイプに分類五十音をもとに、「音」を普遍的な「数」に変換し、どんな名前でも正しく、公平に男女20タイプに分類。1.金剛生(女性)芯が強く美的センスに優れる2.紅玉生(女性)誰に対してもいたわりの心は忘れない3.黒曜生(女性)高みを目指し努力する優等生4.翠玉生(女性)同性異性を問わず人気もの5.藤雲生(女性)動物や自然を愛するナチュラリスト6.波光生(女性)守ってあげたい可憐さと穏やかさ7.金波生(女性)邪気のない清らかさを持つ8.黄玉生(女性)面倒見もよくさっぱりとした姉御肌9.銀波生(女性)和心を理解する大和撫子0.瑠璃生(女性)勘が鋭く何ごとも器用にこなす1.金剛生(男性)強運に恵まれた従順タイプ2.紅玉生(男性)エネルギッシュで美形も多い3.黒曜生(男性)頭の回転の早さと溢れる優れたユーモア4.翠玉生(男性)人望あふれる福運の持ち主5.藤雲生(男性)自由さと慎重さのふたつの資質を持つ6.波光生(男性)努力の汗を流すことに苦ではなく喜びを覚える7.金波生(男性)堅実でまじめな努力家8.黄玉生(男性)甘え上手で要領もいい末っ子タイプ9.銀波生(男性)素晴らしい集中力と自己表現力0.瑠璃生(男性)人情味たっぷりの昔気質◇ first and last name judgment divine fortune from the sound of the nameThan to write the name, and or be told the name is called or, noted that it is overwhelmingly are more to be sound, the new sense of divine fortune from the sound of the "character" rather than "sound" = name first and last name judgment.◇ classification to men and women 20 type in the Japanese syllabaryOn the basis of the Japanese syllabary, to convert the "sound" universal "number", correctly in any name, fairly divided into men and women 20 type.1. Takeo Kimu (woman)Excellent in the aesthetic sense strong core is2. ruby ​​Students (woman)Heart of caring not forget to anyone3. Black 曜生 (woman)Honor student to efforts aimed at heights4. Jadeite Students (woman)Ninkimono regardless of the sex opposite sex5. Fujikumosei (woman)Animals and naturalist who love nature6. NamiMitsuo (woman)Karen and calm that I want to protect7. Kinparo Students (woman)With a no evil clearness8. topaz Students (woman)Caring was also well refreshing elder sister skin9. Ginpa Students (woman)Yamatonadeshiko to understand the Kazukokoro0. lapis lazuli Students (woman)Intuition is sharp everything and also performs with dexterity1. Takeo Kimu (men)Obedience type blessed with luck2. ruby ​​students (male)Filled with beautiful many energetic3. Black 曜生 (male)Good humor and the speed of rotation of the head4. Jadeite students (male)Owner of popularity overflowing Fukuun5. Fujikumosei (male)With two of the qualities of freedom and prudence6. NamiMitsuo (male)Remember the joy, not the suffering that the sweat of effort7. Kinparo students (male)Solid, serious hard worker8. topaz students (male)Graces good and to the point also say the youngest type9. Ginpa students (male)Great concentration and self-expression force0. lapis lazuli students (male)Of humaneness plenty of old-fashioned way of thinking一部端末で表示が崩れていた点の改善